
Login screen

There is one login screen for your organisation's CiviHR. Each staff member should have their individual username and password. The login screen can be tailored to your organisation by adding a logo and a welcome message. The screen also contains a link to request a new password. Staff members who want a CiviHR account can click a link on the login screen and fill in a small form to request access to your CiviHR Self Service Portal.

Logging in and out of CiviHR

The first step is to navigate to your site. Once on the welcome page,&nbsp;click on the&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Username or e-mail&nbsp;</b></i>box.</span>

Type in your&nbsp;<span class="">Username or e-mail address.&nbsp;</span>

Click on the&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Password </b></i>box</span>

Type in your p<span class="">assword<i><b> </b></i></span>

Click <span class=""><i><b>Log in</b></i></span>

You're in!<br><br>When you want to <b>log out</b>, Click or hover on your name in the top right hand corner of the screen.&nbsp;

Last step: click <span class=""><i><b>Log Out</b></i> and you're done!</span>

Resetting your password

From the homepage of your CiviHR site, click the&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Forgot password? </b></i>link.&nbsp;</span>

A new box will appear underneath. Click the&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Email</b></i> box here.&nbsp;</span>

Type your work email address into the box.&nbsp;

Then click the&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Send me my details </b></i>button.&nbsp;</span>

A green confirmation message will appear at the top of your screen.&nbsp;<br><br>The email will contain a link so you can set a new password. Make sure it's secure by entering at least 12 characters, along with some special characters.&nbsp;